Wheter for bale transport or transporting loose hay and straw, the Hauer implements bring significant advantages in daily work.

The bale fork GBG is typically used for the transport of round and square bales.
Further information ...Pallet Frame with large bale tines - PR-GBZ

The bale fork BTG 4 is especially suitable for transporting hay-, straw- or silage bales.
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The silage bale tong was developed for the transport of round bales with a diameter from 950 - 1500 mm.
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By applying a special RBZ Kinematic, the round bale tong has a larger opening width and can be used for the transport of round bales with a diameter from 900 to 1900 mm.
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The Hauer QBZ square bale grab is the ideal attachment for handling square wrapped silage bales as well as straw and hay bales.
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The multi grab fork is a universally applicable implement, which is mainly used together with mid-range skid-steer.
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The Hauer Multi Grab is a bespoke development for front loaders and mid-range skid-steer

The Hauer Multicroco fork is designed for use on compact loaders and skid-steers where its
main application is silage cutting and muck handling.

The Hauer Multicroco bucket is designed for use on compact loaders and skid-steers where
its main application is silage cutting and muck handling.