ELC ergo 2

Offering easy use and a professional level of specification, the electric proportional ELC ergo 2 stands out for particularly precise and modulated control.
The ELC ergo 2 joystick controls the traditional functions plus extra hydraulic spools for implements and such functions like auto shedding, attachment roll-back or SMS loader shock absorber. In addition to these, customers can opt for up to six extra and customisable functions (e.g. tractor powershift/shuttle). These must be programmed by dealer staff. In standard configuration, the joystick controls the 3rd and 4th services, shedding and two float positions for tilt/crowd and lift/drop. These functions can easily be reprogrammed by operating two buttons in combination and without making a change to the software.

Standard features:
- Lift / drop
- Tilt / crowd
- On / Off master switch (P0)
- On / Off master switch indicator LED (L0)
- Float position button (P1) This can also be assigned any other function acting as button or switch, 12V/60W
- Float position indicator LED (L1)
- Shedding button (P5) This can also be assigned any other function acting as a button or switch, 12V/60W
- Roll-bach button (P2)* This can also be assigned any other function acting as a button or switch, 12V/60W
- 3rd service button* (P3), 12V/60W
- 4th service button* (P4), 12V/60W
- 5th service button* (P6), electr. SMS or work lights, This can also be assigned any other function acting as a button, 12V/60W
- 5th service* indicator LED (L6)
Some extra hydraulic functions require extra spools and sensors.
The ELC ergo 2 joystick is comprehensively specified with all switches, buttons and LED indicator lights that may be necessary for retrofitting optional features.
There is no need to modify the joystick when adding further functions.